By: CJN Marketing Services
Here’s 21 topics you can schedule on your social Media content today!
Staying engaged on social media matters, even Facebook states it in its policy!
Consistently posting every day to every other day is possible when you schedule your content. Keeping your followers engaged builds visibility.
Let's start filling in some ideas for the next 21 days. These are prompts to get you started:
Discuss your relevant personal belief.
What's a weakness you can talk about?
What are the 5 top questions people as you when they hear you are an "x."
What is your #1 recommended tool?
What's something people would love to know about your team?
What is the most common pitfall of people trying to do "x".
What's your core proprietary method?
What's your cryptonite?
What is the biggest reason people don't take action?
What could you rant about all day?
Who is an idol of yours? And why?
What are the 5 top questions people as you when they hear you are an "x."
What is the most common pitfall of people trying to do "x".
What is the biggest reason people don't take action?
What's the biggest misunderstanding in the industry?
What's something you will believe for the rest of your life?
Can you talk about a client case study?
Why should people care more?
Favorite motivational tool?
What's a mistake people commonly make?
What the most insane client story you've ever heard?
Try to stay engaged on social media even if it’s scheduled content.
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